Update and New Features

Some existing news, updates and new feature recently releases at

KeywordDiscovery Updates:

1. Premium Global Keyword Database

As we strive to continually improve on keyword relevancy and accuracy, we have last week release a total re-index of all of our Premium keyword databases. Many skews identified and reported by our users were filtered out. As a result we are left with a much cleaner keyword data set that has over 2 billion searches in the Premium Global database.

2. New Historical Premium Databases…

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The End of the Overture Suggestions Tool – This time for sure

If you have not noticed, the Overture suggestion tool and respective regional versions are now redirecting to Search Marketing website instead: Confirming with Yahoo, the tool has officially been axed. The Overture tool has long been used by webmaster, affiliates, PPC advertisers, and also by many 3rd party tools. But alas the time … Read more Acquires

Trellian is excited to announce the recent acquisition of is a leading source of information for webmasters and new website owners specializing in search engine optimization, search engine submission and internet marketing since 1996. With over 800,000 members, featuring a bi-monthly newsletter, sent out to over 360,000 subscribers, full of tips and advice … Read more

SEO experts are like used car salesmen

Jeremy Schoemaker from ShoeMoney does not really like SEO experts and believes they are like used car salesmen. His points are: 1) They can always sell you something.2) They can never guarantee results.3) They can not be held accountable.4) They have a answer for everything.5) All the magic happens behind the curtains – they cant … Read more

The future belongs to Humans, not computers

With the number of web pages, one would believe that only computers are now powerful enough to provide interesting results. An American startup wants to challenge this claim and has just released a search engine that harnesses the power of thousands of people worldwide. Basically, you make a search and a couple of minutes later … Read more

Do you want to see naked SEO specialists ?

It’s 2008 and as usual the new year brings lots of surprises and presents. And lots of calendars as well. Why would anyone ever need a calendar now that we all have on our desk a computer that can provide us with any date and time ? Anyway, that did not deter French affiliate marketing … Read more

Where does the money come from ?

I’ve just read this from Jeremie Berrebi’s blog ( in French) . "My 5 year old son tries to understand how I make a living while he sees me all the time sitting in from of my laptop. ‘Daddy, how do you make money ? Where does it come out of the computer ?’ Had … Read more

Do you remember ?

I remember when I did not have any grey hair, when the Internet was spelt with a capital I, when Yahoo! was a novelty and 10MB web hosting would cost $150 a month. I remember when you just had to create a 5 page website, submit it to Yahoo!, wait a couple of weeks, and … Read more

Categories SEO

SES France canned

It’s a tough world out there, and it’s even tougher in France. Not only do they speak a weird language, they also go on strike for any reason, provided it’s to do with priviledges a specific class wants to keep. But I digress… The latest casualty in the French world is the Search Engine Strategies … Read more