PayPal Experience

I wanted to share a recent experience I had with PayPal; a Trellian order was paid via PayPal, the order was processed and generated. Soon after, the PayPal payment was disputed and Trellian was asked to respond to PayPal via the Resolution Center.

The problem? I was unable to log our response to the dispute, I filled in the form numerous times and from there was taken to a page that read “Sorry – your last action could not be  completed”.

I was unable to respond to the dispute because of a the error; I immediately contacted PayPal help.

The next day, I received another email asking me to respond to the outstanding PayPal money dispute. Once again, I tried many times to log a response and I was taken to the same page error.

As I was unable to lodge our response to the payment dispute, I contacted PayPal again, via their help tab.

Three days after my first support email was sent, I received an email to say the dispute had been finalized and Trellian would not be receiving the money and the buyer would be refunded.

The next email was from PayPal help, it read “From researching your account history, I can see that your issue has been resolved”.

The issue had not been correctly resolved and Trellian had not been able to respond to the dispute, due to a PayPal page error. The buyer was refunded the disputed amount because we had not been able to respond in an appropriate time.

I don’t believe this dispute was resolved fairly… Do you?

2 thoughts on “PayPal Experience”

  1. I believe that PayPal’s customer service has really declined in the last few years, they have too much power and money to care anymore.

    Too many people use their service for them to care about each individual.

    I think all big companies should improve their customer service skills.

  2. Paypal have frozen my account because my credit card was reissued with a new expiry date. When I try to use Paypal it tells me the expiry date is wrong but when I go to my account to amend it, it won’t let me. I have tried reregistering but it tells me that that credit card is already on the system. I have attempted to rectify the matter by email but am told that I have to ring Sydney to do it. I did attempt that once but after waiting for numerous minutes decided that I wasn’t wasting my phone credit to fix their mistake.

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