Gain A Competitive Advantage Using Trellian Resources

Affiliate Marketing is a highly competitive industry, which is why it’s so important to make sure you’re frequently testing and optimizing your campaigns. Trellian provides several simple to use features and helpful tips to help your campaigns run more efficiently.

For most new features or tips to use Trellian’s platform, either written instructions or a short video is created to guide you on the best way to implement them into your campaign strategy. These tutorials can be found on the left side navigation of your dashboard under “Resources.”

Currently there are videos on quickly getting started with creating campaigns, maximizing opportunities with Inventory Search and the power of Generic Keywords to reach consumers at all stages of the buying cycle.

In addition to the short videos there are also other helpful hints and tips on how to optimize your campaign with whitelisting/blacklisting subIDs, ROI Tracking, Target URL Tracking Tags and our QuickStart Guide. 

Be sure to check out your “Resources” section today on the left-hand side of your dashboard in your account! If you have any ideas for videos or guides that would be helpful, we’re listening! Email