API Queries - Add Keyword

The add_keyword function creates a new Keyword. This function requires additional parameters. Failing to include them will result in an error response.

Additional Parameters

  • keyword - Keyword to be added. Does not accept multiple keywords. (Required)
  • folder - Name of the folder where the keyword is to be added. (Required)
  • my_bid - Your bid for the keyword. (Required)
  • traffic_type - Choose from traffic type "all", "mobile" or "desktop". Default is "all". (Optional)
  • daily_limit - Daily spend limit for the keyword. (Optional)
  • negative - Any negative keywords, comma separated. (Optional)
  • target_url - The Target URL, including http:// (Required)
  • geo_target - The Geo Target, either "all", "us", "uk", "ca", "au", "nz", "in", "br", "de", "fr", "nl", "it", or "es".
    Default is "all". (Optional)
  • active - Activate the keyword upon creation. On "1" or off "0". Default is "1" (on). (Optional)
  • freq_cap - Limit on number of visits per unique user in 24 hour period. Choose from "3", "6" or "12".
    Default is "6". (Optional)
  • remarketing_multiple - Set your max bid for the remarketed visit at multiple times the original cpc price. Minimum is "2". "0" means to turn remarketing off. (Optional)

Note: Make sure to URL encode all values, most importantly the target_url value.

Example query and response:

In this example, we will be adding the keyword "credit cards" to the folder "Student Loans" with a bid of $5, daily spend of $200, negative keyword "interest free", target URL http://www.trellian.com and geo target of "US".

Example query:


Note the URL encoding on the values.


<result Folder="student loans" Keyword="credit card" Status="Added"/>

The above response means that the Keyword was successfully created and will be in the "Paused" status. It will be automatically activated once approved by our system.

Error Responses:

Possible error responses for this function are:

For a complete list of error responses, see the Error Codes manual page.