Successful NamesCon 2017 Event for

namescon-booth-photo The NamesCon 2017 conference held in Las Vegas from January 22-25 was a very successful event for Our booth was busy from start to finish.

The domain investor attendees visiting our booth shared a common unmet need. They all wanted to spend less time managing and worrying about traffic monetization, and more time buying and selling domains.

So you can imagine how excited they were to learn how AutoPilot does all the monetization channel work for them, and that it is a free service.

After the easy initial setup, AutoPilot drives revenues higher by finding the highest paying monetization channel for each domain visitor. They were also impressed with the AutoPilot Maximizer channel option, which is integrated with company-owned Trellian Direct Search Network in order to enable premium advertisers to bid directly on domain traffic.

Of course, many attendees were also excited about the cost saving opportunity offered by the wholesale rates and free whois privacy in our Abvove Registrar.

Our new Portfolio Manager dashboard [beta] was also very popular with domain investor attendees visiting the booth. When viewing a live demo of Portfolio Manager, they reacted quite favorably to having so much helpful decision-making data available in one dashboard. And having the tools needed to act on decisions in the same dashboard.

Click the [beta] button at top of our homepage to test drive Portfolio Manager. Or contact us via live chat or by email for help in setting up a new account.