Co-Founder & President David Warmuz Speaks at NamesCon 2017

Our Co-Founder & President David Warmuz participated in a recent NamesCon conference panel discussion on “Managing a Domain Portfolio For Profit”. In the photo, David is wearing a red shirt.

As an industry-leading domain investor since 1997, David was able to offer conference attendees valuable insights on traffic monetization trends and opportunities. He shared helpful charts and statistics pulled from’s AutoPilot platform.

David also explained how is uniquely positioned to help domain investors maximize the revenue earned on their traffic by finding the highest paying monetization channel for each domain visitor. Channel options include our company-owned Trellian Direct Search Network, which has been enabling premium advertisers to bid on domain traffic since 2008.

As soon as the panel discussion ended, many attendees went straight to our booth to learn more about how can help them boost revenue, reduce costs, and save time managing their domain portfolios.

Read the article about the panel discussion published by NamesCon.