Our Own David Warmuz Speaks at The Domain Conference 2016

tdc2016-david-speaking-250x150 It was no surprise when the producers of The Domain Conference invited David (President of Above’s parent company Trellian) to speak at their conference, which was held in Fort Lauderdale Florida from September 10-14, 2016.

As one of the world’s top domain investors and early industry pioneers, David offered unique insights on the challenges and opportunities facing domain investors.

The audience was particularly interested in David’s presentation of key industry statistics pulled from the Above.com platform, such as overall industry RPM trends, top 5 TLD RPM trends, and which countries are generating the largest share of direct navigation traffic.

Since a significant number of domain investors use the Above platform to monetize traffic across multiple parking channels, the statistics David pulled are a fair representation of overall industry trends.

David also spent time explaining to the audience how Above.com’s AutoPilot platform has the ability to reverse downward RPM trends. For example, he explained how AutoPilot drives RPMs higher by making multiple monetization channels compete for each domain’s traffic.

He also pointed out that even though AutoPilot does all the work, domain investors maintain full control via their account dashboard.

Immediately after attending the Domain Conference in Florida, David flew to Hong Kong to attend Domainfest Asia.